Since its early development, BASEMENT has become a robust an reliable tool for the numerically modelling of rivers. Yet there are a few little challenges and this page provides some answers (under development).

Export geospatial model output

The results.xdmf contains geospatially explicit data (e.g., of flow velocity and water depth), which can be theoretically directly imported in QGIS with the Crayfish plugin (read more in the BASEMENt post-processing page. However, there is a little issue: QGIS will crash because of an invalid directory. To fix it:

  1. Open results.xdmf in a text editor (e.g., Notepad++).

  2. Use the find-and -replace tool (CTRL + H keys in Notpad++) to remove file paths before results_aux.h5.

    • Search the results_aux.h5 string and identify the path written in front of it (e.g., C:\temp\).

    • Find and replace that user path, for example: Find = C:\temp\results_aux.h5 and Replace with = results_aux.h5 (see below figure).

  3. After having removed all path occurrences in the document, save and close results.xdmf.


Fig. 71 Find the string results_aux.h5 in results.xdmf and remove the file directories.

This issue is also discussed in the BASEMENT User Forum).