Graphical User Interfaces


A Graphical User Interface (GUI) facilitates setting input variables of scripts. This is particularly useful if you want to reuse a script that you have written a long time ago without having to study the whole script again in detail. Although it is arguable whether GUIs are still appropriate in times of web applications, large and in particular copyrighted data must be processed locally. and for local data processing, a GUI is a very convenient way to control self-written, custom programs.

Several GUI library (packages) are available for Python and this introduction uses the `tkinter <>`__ library. Alternatives are, for example, wxPython or Jython (a Java implementation of Python 2). tkinter is a stand ard library, which does not need to be installed additionally. For a quick example, type in the terminal (e.g., PyCharm or Linux terminal - not in the Python console):

python -m tkinter


If you encounter troubles with tkinter on Linux, make sure that tkinter for Python is installed, either with sudo apt-get install python3-tk or sudo apt-get install python3.X-tk (replace X with your Python version) or sudo apt install tk8.6-dev to install the library only (this should be sufficient). If the above comments do not work, make sure that the tkinter repository is available to your system: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa (the repository address may change and depends on your Linux and Python versions).

tkinter works on many popular platforms (Linux, macOS, Windows) and is not only available to Python, but also to Ruby, Perl, Tcl (the origin of of tkinter), and many more languages. Because of its support for languages like Ruby or Perl, tkinter can be used for local GUIs as well as for web applications.


All GUI codes on this pages can be downloaded from the course repository.

The first GUI

The very first step is to import tkinter, usually using the alias as tk. With tk.Tk(), a so-called parent window (e.g., top) can be created, in which all further elements will be accommodated. All further elements are created as tk objects as child of the parent window and placed (arranged) in the parent window using the pack() or the grid() (e.g., tk.ELEMENT.grid(row=INT, column=INT)) methods (more later in the widgets section).

To display the GUI, the parent window top must be launched with top.mainloop() after arranging all elements. The following code block shows how to create a parent window with a label element (tk.Label).

import tkinter as tk
top = tk.Tk()
a_label = tk.Label(top, text = "A label just shows some text.")

After calling the mainloop() method, a window opens in a wait state. That means, the window is waiting for events being triggered through user action (e.g., a click on a button). This is called event-driven programming, where event hand lers are called rather than a single linear flow of (Python) command s.

For now, our window uses default values, for example, defaults for the window title, size and background color. These window properties can be modified with the title, minsize or maxsize, and configure attributes of the top parent window:

top = tk.Tk()
a_label = tk.Label(top, text="A label just shows some text.")

top.title("My first GUI App")
top.minsize(628, 382)
top.configure(bg="sky blue")

Add a Button to call a function

So far our window only shows a (boring) label, while it is waiting for events that are not defined (no functions, no buttons). With a tk.Button, we can add an event trigger. In addition, we will define a call_back function that creates an infobox, which represents a trigger-able event. Note that an infobox is a showinfo object imported from tkinter.messagebox.

from tkinter.messagebox import showinfo
# more message boxes: askokcancel, askyesno

def call_back(message):
    showinfo("This is an Infobox", message)

top = tk.Tk()
a_label = tk.Label(top, text="Here is the button.")
# add a button
a_button = tk.Button(top, text = ">> Click <<", command =lambda: call_back("Greetings from the Button."))


The command `` receives a´```lambda <hypy_pyfun.html#lambda>`__ function that links to the call_back function. Why do we need this complication? The answer is that the call_back function would be automatically triggered with the mainloop() method if we were not using a lambda function here.

A vanilla tkinter program

In the above sections, we have created single tkinter objects (widgets) in a straightforward script-style. However, when we write a GUI, we most likely want to start an application (App) by just running a script. This is why tkinter widgets are usually created as objects of customized classes. Therefore, we want to recast our example as object-oriented code according to the template from the lecture on Python classes.

The next code block creates a VanillaApp, which is a child of tk.Frame (tkinter parent frame). Thus, the initialization method (__init__) needs to invoke tk.Frame and pack() itself to initialize the window. After that, we can place other widgets such as labels and buttons as before. In the VanillaApp, we can also directly implement the call_back function as a method. Moreover, we want the below script to run stand -alone, also it is not part of a beautiful jupyter notebook. For this reason, the if __name__ == "__main__": VanillaApp().mainloop() statement is required at the bottom of the script (read more about the __main__ statement on the packages page).

# define the VanillaApp class
class VanillaApp(tk.Frame):
    def __init__(self, master=None):
        tk.Frame.__init__(self, master)

        table_label = tk.Label(master, text="Do you want vanilla ice?")
        vanilla_button = tk.Button(master, text = "I want Vanilla", command =lambda: call_back("Here is Vanilla!"))
        no_vanilla_button = tk.Button(master, text = "I want something else", command =lambda: call_back("Here is bread!"))

    def call_back(self, message):
        showinfo("This is an Infobox", message)

# instantiate a VanillaApp object
if __name__ == "__main__":


The above code block with the VanillaApp class can be copied to any external Python file and saved as, for example, With Python being defined as a system variable (only necessary in Windows - point at your Anaconda base environment’s Python executable), the GUI can be started as follows:

  1. Open Terminal (or a Command prompt cmd in Windows).

  2. Navigate to the directory where the script is located (use cd in Windows or Linux/macOS).

  3. Type python (or python -m to launch the GUI.Another tip: this sequence of command s can also be written to a batch file (`.bat on Windows <>`__) or shell script (.sh on Linux/macOS - alternative source).

Then, a double click on the batch file starts the Python-based GUI.

More Widgets

Tkinter provides many more widgets than just labels and buttons. The following illustration features some widgets with a:

  • definition of a GUI window name with master.title("Window name")

  • definition of a GUI window icon (ICO) with master.iconbitmap("directory/icon_file.ico")

  • tk.Menu with drop down cascade

  • tk.Label (see above)

  • tk.Button (see above)

  • tk.Entry - a blank field where users can enter values or words

  • ttk.Combobox - a drop down menu in the parent frame (tk-themed ttk widget)

  • tk.Listbox with a tk.Scrollbar, where the scrollbar is required to navigate to listbox entries that are not in the visible range of the listbox size

  • tk.Checkbutton that can be checked (ticked) to set a tk.BooleanVar() object to True (default: not checked -> False)Alternatively, have a look at `tk.Radiobutton <>`__ to enable selections from a multiple-choice frame (rather than the False-True-only frame of a checkbutton)

  • tk.PhotoImage to display a sub-sampled image in the GUI


Fig. 23 tkinter widgets: Label, Button, Entry, Combobox, Listbox with Scrollbar, Checkbutton, and an Image.

This is the code that creates the tkinter widgets in the above figure (the script, image and icon are available at the course repository):

import tkinter as tk
from tkinter.messagebox import showinfo
from tkinter import ttk

class MyApp(tk.Frame):
    def __init__(self, master=None):
        tk.Frame.__init__(self, master)

        self.master.title("Master Title")

        # Set geometry: upper-left corner of the window
        ww = 628  # width
        wh = 382  # height
        wx = (self.master.winfo_screenwidth() - ww) / 2
        wy = (self.master.winfo_screenheight() - wh) / 2
        # assign geometry
        self.master.geometry("%dx%d+%d+%d" % (ww, wh, wx, wy))
        # assign space holders around widgets
        self.dx = 5
        self.dy = 5

        # Menu Bar
        self.mbar = tk.Menu(self)  # create stand ard menu bar
        self.master.config(menu=self.mbar)  # make self.mbar stand ard menu bar
        # add menu entry
        self.ddmenu = tk.Menu(self, tearoff=0)
        self.mbar.add_cascade(label="A Drop Down Menu", menu=self.ddmenu)  # attach entry it to stand ard menu bar
        self.ddmenu.add_command (label="Drop Down Entry 1", command =lambda: self.hello("Drop Down Menu!"))

        # Label
        self.a_label = tk.Label(master, text="A Label")
        self.a_label.grid(column=0, row=0, padx=self.dx, pady=self.dy)

        # Button
        self.a_button = tk.Button(master, text="A Button", command =lambda: self.hello("The Button!"))
        self.a_button.grid(column=0, row=1, padx=self.dx, pady=self.dy)

        # Entry
        self.an_entry = tk.Entry(master, width=20)
        self.an_entry.grid(column=0, row=2, padx=self.dx, pady=self.dy)

        # Combobox
        self.cbox = ttk.Combobox(master, width=20)
        self.cbox.grid(column=0, row=3, padx=self.dx, pady=self.dy)
        self.cbox['state'] = 'readonly'
        self.cbox['values'] = ["Combobox Entry 1", "Combobox Entry 2", "Combobox Entry ..."]
        self.cbox.set("Combobox Entry 1")
        self.cbox_selection = self.cbox.get()

        # Listbox with Scrollbar
        self.scrlbar = tk.Scrollbar(master, orient=tk.VERTICAL)
        self.scrlbar.grid(stick=tk.W, column=1, row=4, padx=self.dx, pady=self.dy)
        self.lbox = tk.Listbox(master, height=3, width=20, yscrollcommand =self.scrlbar.set)
        for e in ["Listbox Entry 1", "Listbox Entry 2", "With Scrollbar ->", "lb entry n"]:
            self.lbox.insert(tk.END, e)
        self.lbox.grid(sticky=tk.E, column=0, row=4, padx=self.dx, pady=self.dy)
        self.scrlbar.config(command =self.lbox.yview)
        self.lbox_selection = self.lbox.get(0)

        # Checkbutton
        self.check_variable = tk.BooleanVar()
        self.cbutton = tk.Checkbutton(master, text="Tick this Checkbutton", variable=self.check_variable)
        self.cbutton.grid(sticky=tk.E, column=2, row=0, padx=self.dx, pady=self.dy)

        # Image
        logo = tk.PhotoImage(file="gui\\sunny_image.gif")
        logo = logo.subsample(2, 2)  # controls size
        self.l_img = tk.Label(master, image=logo)
        self.l_img.image = logo
        self.l_img.grid(row=1, column=2, rowspan=4)
        # create a placeholder to relax layout
        tk.Label(text="                                                    ").grid(row=0, column=1)

    def hello(message):
        showinfo("Got Message from ...", message)

if __name__ == '__main__':

As usual in Python, there are many more options (widgets) available. offers a detailed overview of available tkinter objects.

tkinter variables

In the above example, the checkbox receives a tk.BooleanVar(), which takes a True value when a user checks the checkbox. There are more variables that can be associated with a tkinter widget (e.g., an tk.Entry, a tk.Listbox, or a ttk.Combobox). tkinter variables correspond basically to Python data types with special methods that are required to set or retrieve (get) user-defined values of these data types. Here is an overview on some tkinter variables:

  • tk.BooleanVar() of type boolean can be True or False

  • tk.DoubleVar() is a numeric floating point (float) variable

  • tk.IntVar() is a numeric integer variable

  • tk.StringVar() is a string (i.e., typically some text)

Now the question is, how does Python know when to retrieve a user-defined value? Typically, we want to evaluate user-defined values when we call a function that receives user-defined values as input arguments. Predefined, default values in a script can be set with VARIABLE.set() and user settings can be retrieved with VARIABLE.get(). The following code block features the usage of the get()method (the script and the icon are available at the course repository).

from tkinter.messagebox import showinfo
import rand om

class MyApp(tk.Frame):
    def __init__(self, master=None):
        tk.Frame.__init__(self, master)

        self.master.title("GUI with variables")

        # Set geometry: upper-left corner of the window
        ww = 628  # width
        wh = 100  # height
        wx = (self.master.winfo_screenwidth() - ww) / 2
        wy = (self.master.winfo_screenheight() - wh) / 2
        # assign geometry
        self.master.geometry("%dx%d+%d+%d" % (ww, wh, wx, wy))

        self.a_label = tk.Label(master, text="Enter a value to call:")
        self.a_label.grid(column=0, row=0, padx=5, pady=5)

        # define tk.StringVar() and  assign it to an entry
        self.user_entry = tk.StringVar()
        self.an_entry = tk.Entry(master, width=20, textvariable=self.user_entry)
        self.an_entry.grid(column=1, row=0, padx=5, pady=5)

        # define Button to trigger call back
        self.a_button = tk.Button(master, text="Call Message!", command =lambda: self.message_distributor())
        self.a_button.grid(column=2, row=0, padx=5, pady=5)

        # define a Checkbutton to use either user input or a rand om message
        self.check_variable = tk.BooleanVar()
        self.cbutton = tk.Checkbutton(master, text="Check this box to use a rand om message instead of the entry", variable=self.check_variable)
        self.cbutton.grid(sticky=tk.E, column=0, columnspan=3, row=1, padx=5, pady=5)

    def message_distributor(self):
        if not self.check_variable.get():
            showinfo("User message", self.user_entry.get())
            showinfo("Rand om message", self.rand om_message())

    def rand om_message(self):
        rand om_words = ["summer", "winter", "is", "cold", "hot", "will be"]
        return " ".join(rand om.sample(rand om_words, 3))

if __name__ == '__main__':

Design, place and modify widgets

The above code examples use both the OBJECT.grid() and the OBJECT.pack() methods (geometry managers) to place widgets in the GUI. There is one additional geometry manager in the form of the place method. Which of the geometry managers you want to use is entirely up to you - there are pros and cons for all geometry managers:

  • pack

    • automatically places widgets within a box

    • works best for simple GUIs, where all widgets are in one column or row

    • BUT complex layouts can only be hand led with complicated workarounds (i.e., do not use pack with a complex GUI)

  • place

    • places widgets at absolute or relative x-y positions

    • works well for graphical arrangements of widgets

  • grid

    • places widgets in columns and rows of a grid

    • works well with table-like apps and structured layouts

To enable more graphical flexibility, widgets accept many optional keywords, for instance, to change their foreground (fg) or background (bg) color. In addition, widgets can be modified with the tk.OBJECT.config(PARAMETER_TO_CONMFIGURE=NEW_CONFIG) method.

The following sections provide more details on the place and grid geometry managers and keyword arguments as well as widget methods to modify widgets. Examples of the pack method are provided with the above code blocks.

place widgets and use object colors

The simplest geometry manager is the pack method, which works even without any keyword provided as the very first examples on this page illustrate. With the place method, widgets can be placed relatively in the window (relx and rely, where both must be < 1) or with absolute positions (x and y, where both should fit into the window dimensions define with self.config(width=INT, height=INT)). The axis origin (zero positions of x and y) are determined with the anchor keyword.


The parent frame still needs to be pack-ed (self.pack(...)).

class PlacedApp(tk.Frame):
    def __init__(self, master=None, **options):
        tk.Frame.__init__(self, master, **options)
        self.pack(expand =True, fill=tk.BOTH)
        self.config(width=628, height=100)
        self.master.title("A placed GUI")
        tk.Label(self, text="Vanilla", bg="goldenrod", fg="dark slate gray").place(anchor=tk.NW, relx=0.2, y=10)
        tk.Label(self, text="Green green tree", bg="OliveDrab1").place(anchor=tk.E, relx=0.8, rely=0.5)
        tk.Label(self, text="Blue sky", bg="DeepSkyBlue4", fg="floral white").place(anchor=tk.CENTER, x=300, rely=0.8)

if __name__ == '__main__':


The above example does not create class objects of tk.Labels, which makes the labels non-modifiable. This definition of widgets is acceptable to shorten long GUI scripts, but only if the widgets should not be modified later.

Place objects with grid

In grid-ed GUIs, the widget alignment can be controlled with the sticky argument that uses cardinal directions (e.g., sticky=tk.W aligns or sticks a widget to the west, i.e., left side of a GUI). Moreover, the padx and pady keywords arguments enable the implementation of pixel space around widgets.

from tkinter.messagebox import showinfo

class GriddedApp(tk.Frame):
    def __init__(self, master=None, **options):
        tk.Frame.__init__(self, master, **options)
        self.pack(expand =True, fill=tk.BOTH)
        self.config(width=628, height=100)
        self.master.title("A grid GUI")
        tk.Label(self, text="Enter name: ", bg="bisque2", fg="gray21").grid(sticky=tk.W, row=0, column=0, padx=10)
        tk.Entry(self, bg="gray76", width=20).grid(stick=tk.EW, row=0, column=1, padx=5)
        tk.Button(self, text="Show message", bg="pale turquoise", fg="red4", command =lambda: showinfo("Info", "Rand om message")).grid(row=0, column=2, padx=5)
        tk.Checkbutton(self, text="A Checkbutton over multiple columns").grid(stick=tk.E, row=1, column=0, columnspan=3, pady=15)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Configure widgets

Upon a user action (event), we may want to modify previously defined widgets. For instance, we may want to change the text of a label or the layout of a button to indicate successful or failed operations. For this purpose, tkinter objects can be modified with tk.OBJECT.config(PARAMETER_TO_CONMFIGURE=NEW_CONFIG). Moreover, objects can be delete (destroyed) with tk.OBJECT.destroy(), even though this is not an elegant method for any other widgets than pop-up windows (child frames of the parent frame).

from tkinter.messagebox import showinfo, showerror

class ReConfigApp(tk.Frame):
    def __init__(self, master=None, **options):
        tk.Frame.__init__(self, master, **options)
        self.config(width=628, height=100)

        self.user_depth = tk.DoubleVar()
        self.kst = 40.0
        self.w = 5.0
        self.slope = 0.002

        self.master.title("A GUI that reconfigures its widgets")
        tk.Label(self, text="Enter flow depth (numeric, in meters): ", bg="powder blue", fg="medium blue").grid(sticky=tk.W, row=0, column=0, padx=10)
        tk.Entry(self, bg="alice blue", width=20, textvariable=self.user_depth).grid(stick=tk.EW, row=0, column=1, padx=5)
        self.eval_button = tk.Button(self, text="Estimate flow velocity", bg="snow2", fg="dark violet", command =lambda: self.call_estimator())
        self.eval_button.grid(row=0, column=2, padx=5)

    def call_estimator(self):
            flow_depth = float(self.user_depth.get())
        except tk.TclError:
            return showerror("ERROR", "Non-numeric value entered.")
        self.eval_button.config(fg="green4", bg="DarkSeaGreen1")
        showinfo("Result", "The estimated flow velocity is: " + str(self.estimate_u(flow_depth)))

    def estimate_u(self, h):
            return self.kst * h**(2/3) * self.slope**0.5
        except ValueError:
            showerror("ERROR: Bad values defined.")
            return None
        except TypeError:
            showerror("ERROR: Bad data types defined.")
            return None

if __name__ == '__main__':


  1. The roughness value varies from case to case. Can you implement a ttk.Combobox to let a user choose a Strickler kst roughness value between 10 and 85 (integers) and define the channel slope in a tk.Entry or a custom pop-up window (see below)?

  2. The cross-section averaged flow velocity also depends on the cross-section geometry. Can you implement tkinter widgets to enable user definitions of the bank slope m and channel base width w to calculate the hydraulic radius?


Pop-up windows

Default messages from tkinter.messagebox

The import of tkinter.messagebox provides some stand ard pop-up windows such as:

  • showinfo(title=STR, message=STR) that prints an information message (see above examples).

  • showwarning(title=STR, message=STR) that prints a warning message.

  • showerror(title=STR, message=STR) that prints an error message (see above example).

  • askyesno(title=STR, message=STR) that returns False or True depending on a user’s answers to a Yes-or-No question.

  • askretrycancel(title=STR, message=STR) that returns False or True, or re-attempts to run an event (function) depending on a user’s answers to a Yes-or-No-or-Cancel question.

  • askokcancel(title=STR, message=STR) that returns False or True depending on a user’s answers to an OK-or-Cancel question.

  • askretrycancel(title=STR, message=STR) that returns False or True, or re-attempts to run an event (function) depending on a user’s answers to a OK-or-Retry-or-Cancel question.

Read more about default pop-up windows in the Python docs.

Top-level custom pop-ups

The default windows may not always meet your needs, for instance, if you want to invite users to enter a custom value. In this case, a tk.Toplevel object aids to produce a custom window. The below example shows how a custom top-level pop-up window can be called within a method. With the tk.Toplevel widget and the tk.Frame (parent) widgets, there are two frames now, where buttons, labels, or any other tkinter objects can be placed. The very first argument of any tkinter object created determines whether the object is placed in the parent or the top-level frame. For example, tk.Entry(self).pack() creates an entry in the parent tk.Frame, and tk.Entry(pop_up).pack() creates an entry in the child tk.Toplevel.

from tkinter.messagebox import showwarning

class PopApp(tk.Frame):
    def __init__(self, master=None, **options):
        tk.Frame.__init__(self, master, **options)
        self.config(width=628, height=50)

        self.master.title("Custom pop-up GUI")
        self.pop_button = tk.Button(self, text="Open pop-up window", bg="cadet blue", fg="white smoke", command =lambda: self.new_window())

    def destroy_buttons(self):
        showwarning("Congratulations", "This app is useless now. Don't press red-ish buttons ...'")

    def new_window(self):
        pop_up = tk.Toplevel(master=self)
        # add two buttons to the new pop_up Toplevel object (window)
        self.p_button1 = tk.Button(pop_up, text="Destroy buttons (do not click here)", fg="DarkOrchid4",
                                   bg="HotPink1", command =lambda: self.destroy_buttons())
        self.p_button2 = tk.Button(pop_up, text="Close window", command =lambda: pop_up.quit())

if __name__ == '__main__':

File dialog (open …)

When a custom function’s argument is a file or file name, we most likely want the user to be able to select the file needed. The `tkinter.filedialog <>`__ module provides methods to let a user choose general or specific file types. Specific file types can be defined with the filetypes=("Name", "*.ending") (or filetypes=("Name", "*.ending1;*.ending2;...") for multiple file types) keyword argument. The following example illustrates the usage of tkinter.filedialog’s askopenfilename.

from tkinter.filedialog import askopenfilename
from tkinter.messagebox import showinfo

class OpenFileApp(tk.Frame):
    def __init__(self, master=None, **options):
        tk.Frame.__init__(self, master, **options)
        self.config(width=628, height=50)

        self.master.title("GUI to open a file")

        self.pop_button = tk.Button(self, text="Open a text file", bg="light steel blue", fg="dark slate gray", command =lambda: self.open_file())

    def open_file(self):
        file_types = (("Text", "*.txt;*.csv;*.asc"),)  # equivalent to [("Text", "*.txt;*.csv;*.asc")]
        file_name = askopenfilename(initialdir=".", title="Select a text file", filetypes=file_types, parent=self)
        showinfo("File info", "You selected " + str(file_name))

if __name__ == '__main__':


To cleanly quit a GUI, use tk.Frame.quit() (i.e., in a customized class, use self.quit() or master.quit()). The above example of the PopApp class also features the destroy() method, which can remove particular widgets.

tkinter provides many more options such as the implementation of tabs with ttk.Notebook() (requires binding of tab objects), tables (from tkintertable import TableCanvas, TableModel), or interactive graphic objects with matplotlib. To use tkinter with matplotlib, add the following code block to the file header and create matplotlib objects as children of tkinter windows.

import matplotlib
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg import FigureCanvasTkAgg
from matplotlib.figure import Figure

Enjoy creating your own apps!


Get familiar with creating GUIs and object orientation in the GUI exercise.