First steps

Summary: About Python, variable types and script execution.

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Launch Python environment

These pages are written with Jupyter Lab . Jupyter notebooks (.ipynb) are great to explore an explain Python, but if you want to build more complex code, other IDEs may be more suitable. Anaconda provides both the pluged-in installation of Jupyter Lab and PyCharm. For the best learning experience use both environments as follows:

  • Jupyter Lab to follow course contents, inline exercises, and to produce own online material (mix of Python code and markdown text)

  • PyCharm to accomplish assignments and project work (object-oriented code mainly)

    Tip: The setup of the PyCharm IDE is explained on the Install Python pages.

The first lines of code

The examples in the first steps revolve around ice cream to illustrate the utility of presented code blocks. So if you do not like ice cream, just replace it with another category of things …

To start, let’s get the very first “feedback” from the Python console by typing:

print("This is an ice cream callback.")

In order to run the above printcommand in Jupyter Lab, just click in the above box, then click on the run (triangle) button in the top menu.

In order to run a print command in PyCharm: * Expand the project branch (if not yet done: on left side of the window) * Right-click in the project folder, select New > Python File and name the new Python (.py) file (e.g., * Copy the above print("...") code into the new Python file and save it. * Right-click in the Python file, then Run (alternatively: press the Ctrl + Shift + F10keys). * Now, the Python Console should pop up at the bottom of the window and it will print the text in the above printcommand .

Note: In the following, there will not be anymore the differentiation between using PyCharm (or any other IDE) and Jupyter Lab. Thus, Run the script means: run the script in your favorite IDE in the following.

With the " apostrophes in the print command , we pass a string variable to the print command . Instead of using ", one can also use ', but it is important to use the same type of apostrophe at the beginning and at the end of the string (text) variable.

Warning: Be reasonable with the usage of print. Especially in loops, the use of print leads to unnecessary system load and slows down the script.

A marginal note: In Python3 print is a function, not a keyword as in Python2. print is useful for example to make a running script show where it currently is.

It is also possible to print other types of variables than strings, but the combination of numerical and text variables requires more encoding.

Python variables and data types

The above print command already introduced string variables. In sum, there are five stand ard variable (or data) types in Python:

  • text

  • boolean

  • number (numeric)

  • tuple

  • list

  • dictionary

Tip: Data and variable types are difficult to understand if you simply try to learn them by heart. Remember that there are different data types that can be useful when writing code and that the most relevant data types are listed here in tabular form.







String embraced with double quotes


String embraced with single quotes


Literal string (multi-line text)



Character (unit of a string)

In addition, string variables have some built-in functions that facilitate coding. To create (instantiate) a string variable, use the = sign as follows:

flavor1 = "vanilla" # str
first_letter = "v" # str / char

Characters can be converted to numbers and other way round. This feature can be useful in loops to iterate for example over alphabetically ordered lists (attention: the conversion depends on how your operating system is configured).

print(int("c", 36)) # use int(letter, literal)


Boolean variables are either True (1) or False (0) with many useful code implementations. We will come back to booelans later on in conditional statements.

bowl = False
print("The bowl exists: " + str(bowl))

Numbers (numeric)






Signed Integer



Floating point real number



Complex number where J is in the range between 0 and 255

To create a variable, use the = sign as follows:

scoops = 2 # int
weight = 0.453 # float

Python does not require a type assignment for a variable because it is a high-level, interpreted programming language (other than for example C++). However, once a variable was assigned a data type, do not change it in the code (it is just good practice - so that scoops remain integers).

If a print statement combines numeric and text variables, the numeric variables first have to be converted to text and then concatenated to a string. There are several ways to combine multiple variables in a text string.

print("My ice cream consists of %d scoops." % scoops) # use %d for integers, %f for floats and  %s for strings
print("My ice cream weighs %1.3f kg." % weight)
print("My ice cream weighs " + str(weight) + " kg.")
print("My ice cream weighs {0} kg and  has {1} scoops".format(weight * scoops, scoops)) # multiple variable conversion
print("My ice cream weighs " + weight + " kg.") # this cannot work because weight is a float


A list is a series of values, which is embraced with brackets []. The values can be any other data type (i.e., numeric, text, dictionary or tuple) - even a list (so-called nested lists).

flavors = ["chocolate", "bread", flavor1] # a list of strings
nested_list = [[1, 2, 3], ["a", "b", "c"]]
print("A list of strings: " + str(list("ABC")))

The items of a list are called entries and entries can be appended, inserted or deleted from a list. > Note:Python* alway starts counting from zero. Thus, the first entry of a list is entry number 0. Also lists have many useful built-in functions:

flavors.append("cherry") # append an entry at the end
flavors.insert(0, "lemon") # insert an entry at position 0
print("There are %d flavors in my list." % flavors.__len__())
print(*flavors) # print all elements in list - dows not work in combination with str
print("This is all I have: " + str(flavors[:]).strip("[]"))
flavors.__delitem__(2) # bread is not a flavor, so let's remove it
print("This is all I have: " + ", ".join(flavors))


A tuple represents a collection of Python objects, similar to a list and the sequence of values (data types) in a tuple can take any type. Elements of a tuple are also indexed with integers. In contrast to lists, a tuple is embraced with round parentheses () and a tuple is immutable while lists are mutable. This means that a tuple object can no longer be modified after it has been created. So why would you like to use tuples then? The answer is that a tuple is more memory efficient than a mutable object because the immutable tuple can create references to existing objects. In addition, a tuple can serve as a key of a dictionary (see below), which is not possible with a list.

a_tuple = ("a text element", 1, 3.03) # example tuple
print(a_tuple[-1]) # last element of a tuple (this also works with lists ..)

# comparison of lists and  tuples
import time # we need this package (module here) and  we will learn more about modules later
print("patience ...")

# iterate over a list with 100000 elements
start_time = time.perf_counter()
a_list = [] # empty list
x = range(100000)
for item in x: a_list.append(item)
print("Run time with list: " + str(time.perf_counter() - start_time) + " seconds.")

# iterate over a tuple with 100000 elements with modifying the tuple
start_time = time.perf_counter()
new_tuple = () # empty tuple
x = range(100000)
for item in x: new_tuple = new_tuple + (item,)
print("Run time with tuple modification: " + str(time.perf_counter() - start_time) + " seconds.")

# iterate over a tuple with 100000 elements if no modification of the tuple is needed
start_time = time.perf_counter()
new_tuple = tuple(range(100000))
for item in new_tuple: pass
print("Run time without tuple modification: " + str(time.perf_counter() - start_time) + " seconds.")


Dictionaries are a powerful data type in Python and have the basic structure my_dict = {key: value}. In contrast to lists, an element of a dictionary is called by invoking a key rather than an entry number. A dictionary is not enumerated and keys just point to their values (whatever data type the valuethen is).

my_dict =  {1: "Value 1", 2: "Value 2"}
another_dict = {"list1": [1, 2, 3], "number2": 1}
my_dict [1]

Also dictionary data types have many useful built-in functions:

my_dict.update({3: "Value 3"})  # add a dictionary element
my_dict.__delitem__(1) # delete a dictionary element
my_dict.__len__() # get the length (number of dictionary elements)

Two lists of the same length can be zipped into a dictionary:

weight = [0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0]
price = [1, 1.5, 1.8, 2.0]
apple_weight_price = dict(zip(weight, price))
print("{0} kg apples cost EUR {1}.".format(weight[2], apple_weight_price[weight[2]]))


The following operators compare data types and output boolean values (Trueor False):

  • a == b or a is b a equals / is b

  • a and  b a and b

  • a or b a or b

  • a <= b a smaller than or equal to b (similar without equal sign)

  • a >= b a larger than or equal to b (similar without equal sign)

  • a in b a in b (meaningful in stings - see example below)

print(not False)
print(1 is 1) # is
print(1 is 2)
print("ice" in "ice cream")